Kyah Wiget Education Society
"Witsuwit'en Values Empower Lifelong Learners to Realize Their Potential"
Holistic Education without Borders
University College Entrance Preparation Program (UCEP)
Training and Certification Courses
Social Media Policy for Students
Business Administration Program
KWES has partnered with NVIT to offer the Administrative
Studies Certificate and Diploma.
Upcoming Courses for 2019/2020:
ACED-280 - Proposal Writing
For more information, please contact our program instructor:
Rebecca Morris
News and Announcements
Thank you to all the sponsors, volunteers and a special thank you to the Business Students who put in countless hours to make the Easter Egg Hunt event the success it was.
KWES has partnered with NVIT to provide certificate and diploma programs. Programs will be offered depending student enrollment.
For more information click here: http://www.nvit.ca/programs
KWES and NVIT are committed to making education accessible. If you do not meet program requirements, please contact Priscilla Michell at priscilla.michell@kyahwes.ca regarding upgrading opportunities to prepare for program entry.