Kyah Wiget Education Society
"Witsuwit'en Values Empower Lifelong Learners to Realize Their Potential"
Holistic Education without Borders

Chantel Michell
Teacher Representative
House of Anaskaski
Great grandparents: August Pete & Susan Caspit- Patrick Joseph & Christine Naziel.
Grandparents : Charlie Pete & Mary Joseph
Mother: Laura (Pete Derkson) Duperron
Susan and her family reconnected and returned to the community of Witset in December 2022, with her son Alexander Miller and grandson Silas Vansomer. Her mother, Laura, was put into the fostercare system in 1960 when she was 5 years old and currently lives and works in the Yukon. Susan was raised in Prince George, BC Terrace, BC and Whitehorse YT. She returned to work in the community at the elementary School for the year 2020/2021 however, her daughter was killed in a car accident 2 weeks before school started and she needed to step away from her career. Susan is currently the Science, Math and Outdoor education teacher at Skyzeh Habi Yikh (ICOUNT). Susan has her bachelors in education and minor in First Nations management focusing on self-governance , policy and program development. She has worked as a teacher, Principal, Social, Health and Education advisor and management positions for over 25 years. Her goal was to return to her community and repay her people with education, employment and life experiences. Mussi Cho

Kayla Mitchell
WFN Chief & Council Rep
Dinï Ze, Tsakë Ze, Skiy Ze. Siy Sozi Kayla Mitchell. Laksilyu habi tsakil’tsit. Gilhseyhu S’neyelhnï. Dinï ze co’ Wah Tah Ghet. Sin’eh Kristal Grenkie. S’bep Rodney Mitchell. T’sinnï Mesga’bu (Helen Mitchell). T’sets Sa’ Dena’ Delee (Kenny Mitchell). Tsoh Louise Grenkie. Chiefs, children of the chiefs. My name is Kayla Mitchell. I sit with the Small Frog Clan. My father clan is Big Frog Clan. My house chief is Chief Wah Tah Ghet (Cecil Alfred) . My parents are Kristal Grenkie and Rodney Mitchell. My grandmother on my father’s side is Mescaboo (Helen Mitchell), and my grandfather is Sa’ De’na’delï (Kenny Mitchell). My grandmother on my mother’s side is Louise Grenkie. Kayla’s values include empowering marginalized voices in decision-making and healing. Kayla’s passion is to make meaningful impact and big-systems change that reflect equitable representation. As someone who identifies with a variety of marginalized communities, it’s important to Kayla that we empower many diverse identities. Kayla cultivates safer spaces to talk about hard conversations. She is rooted in land-based healing and Wet’suwet’en ways of being and knowing. Her background is in Health and Social Sciences, with a passion are facilitation and inclusive decision-making. Kayla appreciates intersectional and holistic approaches to healing and wellness. When we heal the collective, we will create prosperous futures for all. Kayla like’s to explore creative approaches to the work I do. I have a passion for videography, dance, drumming, singing, and cultural arts/crafts. She tries to include new and innovative approaches to how she communicates. Film and videography are core to her artistic practice. As a passionate Indigenous leader, Kayla aims to carve pathways for Indigenous people to be decision-makers for our own pursuits of healing, healing, wellness, and unity . Her extensive experience working alongside Indigenous and non-Indigenous community-based organizations has provided me the foundation to facilitate conversations that represent all voices, that support inclusive decision-making.

Helen Nikal
Tsayu Rep

Johnny Morris
Gidimt'en Representative
Hadih So'endzin everyone.
Sy sozi Johnny Morris.
I am from Gitumdem, House of Anaskaski.
I believe in helping ourselves before we help others. I am a mentor and role model in our community and look forward to making changes together and moving forward as a community in a positive way.

Gaylene Morris
Likhts'amisyu Rep

Diana Johanson
C'ilht'sekhyu Rep
Siy Sozi, Diane Johansen from Thin House of C'ilhts'ekhyu clan. I was raised by late Gguhlatt and Ut'akhkw'its, I am here to help the learning process of our community to run smoothly with what I ahve learned from my grandparents. I look forward to continue learning how to help our community better.
