Kyah Wiget Education Society
"Witsuwit'en Values Empower Lifelong Learners to Realize Their Potential"
Holistic Education without Borders
Post-Secondary Student Support Program
Student Responsibilities
The Student and Post Secondary Advisor share in the responsibility for open, continual and respectful communication at all times.
Students who have been sponsored under KWES are responsible and accountable for the success of their own education and commitment.
The Post Secondary Advisor will support the student and offer assistance throughout their education and as required, will report to the Vice-Principle of Adult Education on the on-going success of students.
The Student’s responsibilities are:
to attend class on a regular basis as continuing absence could result in failure and funding being suspended;
to complete all sponsored courses and programs;
to maintain a minimum course load for a full time student as defined by your post secondary institution;
to maintain a C+ grade point average in each and every registered course;
to notify the Post Secondary Student Support Program Coordinator in writing of any changes in plans, courses, address, etc.
to submit a transcript of marks for completed courses according to the schedule below:
a) for the Fall term by January 31st
b) for the Winter term by May 31st
c) for the Summer term by September 30th