Kyah Wiget Education Society
"Witsuwit'en Values Empower Lifelong Learners to Realize Their Potential"
Holistic Education without Borders
Post-Secondary Funding
How to Apply
STEP 1: Contact our academic advisor, Priscilla Michell at priscilla.michell@kyahwes.ca
STEP 2: Complete the Post-Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP) application and sign the Waiver Form that student has read and received these documents.
To print out a PSSSP application, click here or go see Priscilla Michell at the Witset Band office for a hard copy.
STEP 3: Use this checklist to ensure the application you are submitting is fully complete.
Applications cannot be processed until all required documents have been submitted.
ï‚· Official transcripts; (If you attended secondary school in BC order online)
ï‚· Cover letter clearly demonstrating commitment and educational goals;
ï‚· Letter of Acceptance from Institution of study;
ï‚· Status Registry Card or Band registration letter from registry clerk;
ï‚· Course or Program outline;
ï‚· List of registered courses printed off from the institution’s website;
ï‚· Direct Deposit Form.
If you wish to attend university for September admission, please contact us as soon as possible. Application deadline for universities such as UBC is January 15, others like UNBC is March 1; no late applications are accepted.
Application deadline for most colleges is March 31; late applications are accepted if space permits.